Work Experience


Ga Ga Theatre is committed to helping the learner understand more about all aspects of children’s theatre. The design, management and assessment of this process will be subject to quality assurance tracking by the charity in order to deliver the best possible experience for the learner.

  • There will be one designated person responsible for overseeing the design of the work experience programme.
  • At the beginning of the process SMART goals will be set with the learner about what they would like to achieve from the programme.
  • They will be assessed in a variety of way throughout the project (written assessment, for an example a blog for the charity, interview with the project manager about specific aspects of the project, given practical tasks whilst working on the project). Both the assessor and the learner will agree the criteria for the assessments prior to the actual assessment which will happen throughout the process.
  • The agreed internal assurer who will oversee the programme and assessments will be
  • If there be any complaints regarding the process or assessment please contact or the trustees of the charity.
  • A reference for future employees or course tutors will be supplied after completion of the work experience programme.

Best Wishes,

All of us at Ga Ga Theatre